Baked Macaroni & Cheese

I have had this recipe for many years and have no idea where it came from, but it is fantastic!

Baked Macaroni & Cheese
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Servings Prep Time
6 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Baked Macaroni & Cheese
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
6 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings: servings
  1. Make a white sauce with butter, cornstarch and milk. Add 8 oz. cheese. Stir until melted. In 1 1/2 qt. casserole, combine macaroni and cheese sauce. Top with remaining 2 oz. cheese. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.
Recipe Notes

Although spelt is actually a type of wheat flour, most people with wheat allergies can digest spelt with no problem.  Obviously, you should not eat spelt if it is a problem for you.

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